Big Research Projects

Big Research Projects is a podcast about how some of the country’s biggest brands conduct market research. Each episode features interviews with a top market research professional talking about some of the research projects they currently are conducting. By hearing about how the top global brands conduct market research it can give you ideas how you can launch similar, albeit much smaller, projects. It’s a great way to learn how research gets conducted.

The Buyer’s Journey

Many businesses are now creating company-only podcasts where the CEO is the host and the purpose of the podcast is to inspire and educate employees and stakeholders. PodQcast provides businesses with an out-of-the-box production method that gets you up-and-running in thirty days. Our specialty is we conduct customer research so the CEO has relevant material to discuss on each episode.

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Ten Curb

The world was stunned as a pandemic struck the globe in late 2019. COVID affected every industry. Podcast creator Andrew Hayes launched Ten Curb in 2020 to document how the suburban Boston real estate market dealt with the immense challenges.

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