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Qualitative research recruiting services

Qualitative research recruiting services

What Are Qualitative Research Recruiting Services

Podcast show notes can be a great way to grow your podcast and provide added value to engage your existing and potential listeners. That said, show notes can take time and energy to write.

At MHN, we’re all about helping you make a successful and high-quality podcast. So we’ve put together this guide to writing great podcast show notes.

Follow our best practices and implement the templates we’ve included to create effective podcast show notes quickly and easily.

What Are Podcast Show Notes?

Podcast show notes are a comprehensive write up of what happens during an episode of your podcast. They vary in length and content, but usually include a detailed summary of topics discussed in the show; links to additional resources mentioned, and CTAs (calls to action) encouraging readers to listen to, subscribe to, or sponsor the podcast.

Podcast Show Notes vs Podcast Summary

Podcast show notes differ from podcast descriptions. The latter are short, usually less than one-paragraph summaries usually seen under episode titles on podcast listening apps. Whereas, podcast show notes appear on the show’s website or blog in much longer form.

What’s more, most podcast listening apps, like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, only allow plain text episode descriptions. That means podcasters can’t link external resources, as you can see in the example below from The Minimalists Podcast. So they, like many other successful podcasters, write podcast show notes on their website instead. See below for an example of one of their episode’s extensive show notes.

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